Name: Elders, Lee
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Air Date |
Show | Category | Topic | Tape |
3/2/2014 | 21st Century Radio | Human Interest | Expeditions: Gold, Shamans and Green Fire, Wakani North LLC, 2013 | Order a Tape of this Show! |
2/19/1995 | 21st Century Radio | UFOs and Extraterrestrial Mysteries | Mexican UFO Flap Update "Messengers of Destiny" and "Masters of the Stars" videos by Genesis III | Order a Tape of this Show! |
5/15/1994 | 21st Century Radio | UFOs and Extraterrestrial Mysteries | "Masters of the Stars" and "Messengers of Destiny: Prophecy,UFOs, Earth Changes" -- Two Videos on The Best Documented UFO Flap in History: Mexico City SInce Eclipse on July 11, 1991 | Order a Tape of this Show! |
2/14/1993 | 21st Century Radio | UFOs and Extraterrestrial Mysteries | "Messengers of Destiny: Prophecy, UFOs, Earth Changes" -- The Best Documented UFO Flap in History: Mexico City Since Eclipse on July 11, 1991 | Order a Tape of this Show! |
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Human Interest | Expeditions: Gold, Shamans and Green Fire, Wakani North LLC, 2013 | Click here to order |
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