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Articles and Transcripts

1. 3/25/2004 - Jensen, Brennen
Title: City Paper Features Dr. Bob
2. 3/16/2004 - Hieronimus, Ph.D., Dr. Bob
Title: Response to "Bob H. is the Man in the Bigfoot Suit"
3. 8/3/2003 - News Item
Title: China's Wild Man Spotted by Six
4. 4/11/2003 - Coleman, Loren
Title: The Truth About Bigfoot!
5. 2/28/2003 - Coleman, Loren
Title: BIGFOOT!: The True Story of Apes in America
6. 1/18/2003 - News Item
7. 9/11/2002 - Coleman, Loren
Title: Explorers close to proving Yeti existed
8. 3/3/2002 - Escamilla, Jose
Title: An Unknown Life Form Among Us?
9. 8/27/2001 - Coleman, Loren
Title: Bernard Heuvelmans (1916-2001) An appreciation of a friend
10. 7/10/2001 - Hieronimus, Ph.D., Dr. Bob
Title: "Weird Stuff Happens"
11. 7/10/2001 - LeBlond, Ph.D., Dr. Paul
Title: Canadian Sea Serpent Officially Recognized by Science-Cadborosaurus Willsi: New Genus, New Species
12. 6/13/2001 - Corrales, Scott
Title: ¿Has NASA Set Its Sights on the Chupacabras?
13. 12/30/2000 - News Item
Title: Champ the New York Lake Monster Still Being Sighted
14. 12/13/2000 - Coleman, Loren
Title: Mysterious America: The Revised Edition - Price Change as of 2001
15. 11/16/2000 - News Item
Title: First-of-a kind Bigfoot discovery has skeptics taking notice
16. 11/16/2000 - News Item
Title: Bigfoot Body Imprint Reportedly Uncovered
17. 7/3/2000 - Bousfield, Ed
Title: Canadian Sea Serpent Officially Recognized by Science Cadborosaurus Willsi: New Genus, New Species
18. 7/3/2000 - LeBlond, Ph.D., Dr. Paul
Title: Canadian Sea Serpent Officially Recognized by Science Cadborosaurus Willsi: New Genus, New Species

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